Ms excel 2007 tutorial pdf with formulas bangla
Ms excel 2007 tutorial pdf with formulas bangla

ms excel 2007 tutorial pdf with formulas bangla
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To Create A New Book (GKwU bZzb eB ˆZix Kiv) t  File Click  New Click  Ok Click Ki‡jB bZzb GKwU eB ˆZix n‡e| Microsoft Word Program Gi g‡a¨ hv Avgiv Document wnmv‡e wP‡bwQjvg| Ģ. WcÖq cÖwk¶bv_©xMb, AvkvKwi Avcbviv Key Board Gi Aš-M©Z Cursor Key Gi mwnZ fvjfv‡e cwiwPZ| GBĬursor Key ¸‡jvi mnvqZvq Cursor Movement Ki‡Z nq| hw` †KD Cursor Key Gi mwnZ cwiwPZ bv _v‡Kb Z‡e wk¶‡Ki mvnvh¨ wbb| Ges wb‡Pi Cursor Movement msµvš- m~θ‡jv fvjfv‡e AvqË Ki“b| g‡b ivL‡eb KvR Kivi mgq hZ ZvovZvox Cursor Movement Ki‡Z cvi‡eb KvR ZZB ZvovZvwo Ges mnR n‡e| Gevi wb‡Pi m~θ‡jv AvqË Kivi Rb¨ †h †Kvb RvqMvq Cursor †i‡L, Right Arrow Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU GK Cell Wv‡b hv‡e| Left Arrow Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU GK Cell ev‡g hv‡e | Up Arrow Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU GK Cell Dc‡i hv‡e| Down Arrow Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU GK Cell wb‡P hv‡e| Home Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU H Row Gi cÖ_g Cell Gi g‡a¨ P‡j hv‡e| End Key ‡Z GKevi Press K‡i mv‡_ mv‡_ Right Arrow Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU H Row Gi ‡k‡l hv‡e| End Key ‡Z GKevi Press K‡i mv‡_ mv‡_ Left Arrow Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU H Row Gi ïi“‡Z P‡j hv‡e| End Key ‡Z GKevi Press K‡i mv‡_ mv‡_ Down Arrow Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU H Column Gi ‡k‡l hv‡e| End Key ‡Z GKevi Press K‡i mv‡_ mv‡_ Up Arrow Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU H Column Gi ïi“‡Z P‡j hv‡e| Page Up Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU GK ¯Œxb Dc‡ii †m‡j hv‡e| Page Down Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU GK ¯Œxb wb‡Pi †m‡j hv‡e| Ctrl + Home Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU dvB‡ji ïi“‡Z hv‡e| Ctrl + End Key Press Ki‡j Cursor wU dvB‡ji ‡k‡l hv‡e|

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  • j Pvjy Kiv) t  c~‡e©B Avgiv †R‡bwQ Microsoft EXCEL n‡jv GKwU Windows wfwËK Application Program myZivs Microsoft EXCEL Gi g‡a¨ cÖ‡ek Kivi Rb¨ cÖ_‡gB Operating System Windows Gi Screen Open K‡i Gi Aaxb¯’  Start Click  Programs G gvDm wb‡q Select Kivi ci †h ‡gbywU †ei n‡e †mLvb †_‡K  Microsoft Excel G Click Ki‡j Microsort Excel Pvjy n‡e| wb‡P Excel Program Window Gi Qwe I cwiwPwZ †`Iqv nj| Title Bar Menu Bar Standard Tool Bar Formating Tool Bar Close Button Mazimize Button Mininize Button Formula Bar Cursor Worksheet Sheet Horizontal Scroll Bar Vertical Scroll Bar Status Bar Windows Task Bar AvkvKwi Dc‡i D‡j−wLZ ¯Œxb Gi mv‡_ fvjfv‡e cwiwPZ n‡q‡Qb| g‡b ivL‡eb GB ¯Œx‡bi mv‡_ hZ fvj cwiPq _vK‡e KvR Ki‡Z ZZB mnvqZv cv‡eb| Zvn‡j Avmyb Avgiv Aci c„óvq wM‡q we¯-vwiZ Rvbvi †Póv Kwi| Created By: Kamrul Hassan Bappy.
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    In our profational life it is vary vary important. Ms excel also use in data collection and store. All kind of business Use ms excel for there day to day trangaction.

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    Ms Excel is a most useful software in computer. Ms excel 7 is a very important for office.

    Ms excel 2007 tutorial pdf with formulas bangla